What One of Our Fans Has to Say

by John Melngailis

John received this email from Black Rooster Customer Nicole Pasternak, who works for a marketing and advertising company, who has fallen in love with our 100 percent sourdough rye:

“I love your bread. I sampled it weeks and weeks ago at Fairway Market (Pelham NY). It was so delicious, but … I generally don’t keep bread in the house… Every week I’d pass your bread, resisting the temptation. Last Saturday I had passed it by yet again, when I said to my husband, “I’ve just got to go back and get that Baltic rye bread!” So now I’m hooked. It is like no other bread I’ve ever tasted. I brought it into the office this morning to share with my co-workers, and I will educate them about your exceptional product, thanks to the helpful website you’ve created. Congratulations and thank you ever so much for bringing this to us. I intend to give it to friends and family as a birthday gift, it’s that good. Best of luck – I hope to help to spread the word."

Nicole Pasternak